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New Jersey Student Learning Assessment

New Jersey State Assessments

Governor Phil Murphy has called on the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) to transition away from the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) and to improve upon New Jersey’s system of statewide assessments. This report describes the process of fulfilling that promise, driven by the NJDOE’s guiding principles of maintaining high academic standards for all students and implementing education policies in an inclusive and collaborative manner.

In May and June of 2018, the NJDOE staff conducted its first phase of outreach. They worked with stakeholders to identify the changes that should be recommended or implemented immediately and to establish a clear direction for long-term improvements. During this time, NJDOE staff held approximately 75 in-person sessions, three live webinars, and heard from more than 2,300 students, teachers, school and district leaders, educational advocates, and community leaders. Read more....

Transition to the Next Generation of Statewide Assessments

Statewide Assessment Unit Testing Times

NJSLA ELA Blueprint
NJSLA Math Blueprint

Testing Schedule

Please access the Assessment Testing Schedule 2024-25