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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports(Step Up)

Positive Behavioral Interventions/Supports STEP UP Program

Student Training & Enrichment Program for Urban Progress (Step-Up) is a project of the Jewish Renaissance Foundation, funded by the NJ State Department of Children and Families. Step-Up is based out of the Academy for Urban Leadership Charter School. The program offers a number of services that support the students of this school. When a student’s high-risk behavior puts his or her education in jeopardy, Step Up intervenes with solutions. The program trains students as peer mediators who can resolve conflicts among fellow students. Also, the program director provides case management for repeat offenders and mandates community service projects.

The services provided by Step-Up are Conflict/Peer Mediation, Community Service opportunities, and Case Managemen

Conflict/Peer Mediation

What is conflict?

“A state of opposition between persons or ideas or interests.”

It is inevitable to encounter conflict at one point in everyone’s lives, especially with growing teens. Although we may not always agree with everyone’s ideas and points of view, we must learn to respect that, as individuals, we have the right to disagree.

The conflict/peer mediation program at the Urban Leadership Charter School gives students the tools to successfully mediate conflicts between peers, under the supervision of the Program Coordinator.

As peer mediators, the students will be trained on how to listen effectively and help their peers respect each other’s differences. Mediation is not intended to solve the conflict, but help students understand why the conflict has arisen. The peer mediators help the students come up with their own rules on how they can avoid future conflicts with each other.

Case Management

The Case Management component of Step-Up is geared towards the students who have been involved in numerous conflict mediations.

This is not a punishment, but a plan designed to help students understand why he/she has been in numerous conflicts, and help student learn better ways to deal with conflict and anger, in hopes of reducing the number of future altercations.

Community Service

Community Service is a very important component of Step-Up. This component allows students to become leaders in their community by learning how to give back. The Step-Up program has a Community Service Club, in which students meet and discuss in which community service activity they are interested in participating.



Program Coordinator
Phone: 848.203.3742
Ext. 144

Funding & Eligibility

We are funded by New Jersey Department of Children & Families, Division of Prevention and Community Partnerships.

Students at Perth Amboy Academy for Urban Leadership Charter School, ages 14 to 18 are eligible.